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2018/01/08 Day Visit to Annecy
π 2018-01-08 01:01 in Ntrips, Trips
Due to horrible ski conditions in Bourg Saint Maurice, Arturo and I rented a stupidly expensive compact car for just over 100 euros and drove to Annecy for the day.

We first stop was at Paccard museum, next to one of the 2 factories in the world that makes giant bells. Cool place:

keyboard to play static bells
keyboard to play static bells

You can listen to the video from the bells:

We then drove around the lake to the north part where Annecy lies:

Annecy old town is very nice, almost a small venice:

lots of water due to recent rains :)
lots of water due to recent rains :)

We then went to the local castle which wasn't much, but had reasonably interesting displays in some rooms:

old town
old town

Eventually it was time to walk back to the car and go home after stopping by a nice local cathedral:

While Annecey is not a must do in France, it was a nice day tour for a day we otherwise couldn't ski. Thanks to Arturo for the driving there and back.

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