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2024/04/13 Solarstone back in SF at Midway SF for another OTC
π 2024-04-13 01:01 in Clubbing, Tfsf
It was great to have Solarstone back in SF, this time for a day show, which worked out just fine for me as I had just gotten back from Texas Eclipse Festival less than 24H earlier, and was kind of jetlagged in the wrong direction :)

The 2nd good luck is I'm not a fan of outdoor shows, especially in SF where weather is unpredictable, and sure enough it rained that day, so the show was brought indoors, which was perfect for me, I much prefer dark anyway :)

Solarstone did a lovely OTC from 15:00 to 20:00, starting nice and easy, and ending with a long list of bangers:

Great to run into friends again:

We had a fantastic time, and Rich was nice enough to stay for pictures until we all go kicked out:

Video summary:

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