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2020/05/06 Good Entertainment from our Bird Feeders, and Stupid Squirrels (2020 update)
π 2020-05-06 00:00 in Public
A while ago, I bought a bird feeder because I thought it would be fun in our yard, and sure enough, it was an instant hit. We got to see many interesting bird, including a baby woodpecker probably related to the big woodpecker that's living in our of our trees and making swiss cheese out of it :)

I have many pictures of those birds, but these are hopefully the best:

a junko was feeding the wrong bird, oops
a junko was feeding the wrong bird, oops

that was a lot of doves
that was a lot of doves

After a while, built aa new mostly squirrel proof bird feeder:

We also got beautiful woodpeckers: [rigimg:1024:501*|]

We also got a few wounded birds:

And we also got a few hummingbirds. Those are cool:

Squirrels started by being cute before the bird feeder:

The only problem were the squirrels that started by eating fallen seeds, but eventually went to the source:

they look good when they start
they look good when they start

clean the seeds by your doorstep
clean the seeds by your doorstep

then they climb
then they climb

and climb
and climb

and jump
and jump

and climb
and climb

and jump
and jump

The squirrels really became a problem, so I had to trap them and get rid of them:

I tried to build a defense, but it was pointless
I tried to build a defense, but it was pointless

on the plus side, I could capture all the grain the birds were dropping
on the plus side, I could capture all the grain the birds were dropping

so I had to bait them with peanut butter
so I had to bait them with peanut butter

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