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2015/04/23 Rescued Baby Black Eyed Junko
π 2015-04-23 01:01 in Public
This poor little guy banged itself against our glass door and looked visibly injured, so Jennifer took him in and gave it first aid on its wing. At the time, it looked broken, so Jennifer tried to set it, but not knowing exactly what to do, she bandaged the entire bird, when in hindsight we were supposed to bandage just one side (but hard to do on a small bird).

The poor little bird, when it got a bit better after getting over from the trauma of hitting our window, wasn't happy to be turned into a little sausage, but at the time it really looked like it had broken its wing, so we thought it was best for it.

we tried to feed it before bed time
we tried to feed it before bed time

The next morning, it managed to get out of the bandage, so I figured it was getting better. It started being able to make small jumps with flight, so I got convinced that its wing was just injured but not broken, and clearly not injured enough to prevent flight anymore, so I picked him up, and we let him go outside:

it soon made little noises outside and was able to call its parents to get fed
it soon made little noises outside and was able to call its parents to get fed

it still wasn't flying very well, and the wing was still droopy, but it seemed well enough
it still wasn't flying very well, and the wing was still droopy, but it seemed well enough

and soon the happy little family was re-united :)
and soon the happy little family was re-united :)

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