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2009/05/27 Mythtv + Denon-AVR3808 Hack
π 2009-05-27 01:01 in Linux, Linuxha
I had a minor issue where I have 4 hauppage remote controls and one on the kitchen counter that I sometimes use to control my mythtv when I'm in the kitchen.
The only problem was that sound is actually controlled by the Denon receiver and that the hauppage remote doesn't talk to the denon.

I finally found a fix for this, which somewhat justifies the extra money I spent for an ethernet connected receiver: I wrote an lirc configuration that effectively telnets to the denon to tell it to change volume when the hauppage receives a relevant remote code for that.


# Denon
# Mute
prog = irexec
button = MUTE
repeat = 1
config = /var/local/scr/denonmute

begin prog = irexec button = Vol+ repeat = 1 config = /var/local/scr/denoncmd MVUP 3 end

begin prog = irexec button = Vol- repeat = 1 config = /var/local/scr/denoncmd MVDOWN 3 end




test -f $FILE || touch $FILE

# prevent bounces [ $(( $(date "+%s") - $(stat -c "%Z" $FILE) )) -lt 2 ] && exit

if grep -q MUON $FILE 2>/dev/null; then CMD=MUOFF else CMD=MUON fi

echo -ne "$CMD\r" | nc -q0 denon 23 echo $CMD > $FILE



# $0 cmd [repeat]

for i in `seq 1 ${2-1}` do echo -ne "$1\r" | nc -q0 denon 23 sleep 0.2 done


And there you go, I can now send volume requests to my mythtv and they get forwarded to my denon over TCP/IP. Pretty cool :)

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