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2019/01/21 Linux.Conf.au 2019 in Christchurch
π 2019-01-21 01:01 in Linux
This year, LCA was back in New Zealand in the city of Christchurch.

nice car parked outside
nice car parked outside

The first day, I went to the Open Hardware Miniconf to build a monkey car with video analysis fed to tensorflow

LCA had lots of attendees as usual, enough ot overfill the main keynote room. The usual suspects/friends were there as usual:

Ah yes, the shirt and glasses, that's because of my talk Using Open Hardware from my shirt to OS testing for Google's Fuchsia

Lots of talks, thankfully they were recorded as there were 2-3x as many talks as I was able to see:

really nice keynote showing how to hack insulin dispensers to deliver the right amount at the right time
really nice keynote showing how to hack insulin dispensers to deliver the right amount at the right time

Commodore 65 slide presentation program
Commodore 65 slide presentation program

fpga based cell phone running alongside a commodore 65 fpga, awesome
fpga based cell phone running alongside a commodore 65 fpga, awesome

Rusty's keynote for the win :)
Rusty's keynote for the win :)

the first LCA in 1999
the first LCA in 1999

Rusty gave a few talks since then :)
Rusty gave a few talks since then :)

very interesting talk on how painful it was to take over grsecurity maintenance
very interesting talk on how painful it was to take over grsecurity maintenance

Random pictures:

love this little laptop I found
love this little laptop I found

As usual, nice parties in the evenings: speaker dinner, professional DNS, Penguin Dinner, and nice adhoc BBQ on friday:

And just like this, it was conference close:

next year will be the Gold Coast
next year will be the Gold Coast

thank you, come again :)
thank you, come again :)

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