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2015/01/12 Linux.conf.au 2015 in Auckland
π 2015-01-12 01:01 in Linux
This year, LCA went back to New Zealand for the 3rd time. It was great to see the usual suspects again, and this time Jennifer and I used the opportunity to go visit the rest of New Zealand as part of this trip.

For the first year, I went to all 5 years, starting with the openradio miniconf where we built our own radio with an arduino to do tuning before passing on the audio stream to the PC for analysis.

from here
from here

my first surface mount soldering
my first surface mount soldering

all done
all done

receiving and decoding the signal
receiving and decoding the signal

The 2nd day, we built a small robot based off both an arduino and a raspberry pi:

all done
all done

Some pictures from the main conference:

my updated talk on btrfs went well
my updated talk on btrfs went well

Tridge gave a talk on ardupilot again, much fun
Tridge gave a talk on ardupilot again, much fun

The LCA Team had an impressive video recording setup they built with their own video capture board:

And after 5 days of great talks and fun, it was over again. See you all next year!

Steve Walch got the Rusty Wrench award this year, well deserved
Steve Walch got the Rusty Wrench award this year, well deserved

Next year, Geelong by Melbourne
Next year, Geelong by Melbourne

See more images for Linux.conf.au 2015 in Auckland
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