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2004/02/25 SCSI/tape backup woes
π 2004-02-25 18:13 by Merlin in Linux

Current Music: none while my disk array is being rebooted every 5mn :)
Current Mood: Hardware, you will submit :)

So, I can't believe that after two years of having that tape autoloader I finally got the thing to work. It took more sweat and tears than I care to write about, but basically, in the end, one of the two busses on one of the 4 SCSI cards in that machine was flaky (some of the cables were too though).
I can't believe that I ended up fixing the problem by putting no less than 6 SCSI busses in that machine (I had to add yet another card). That just feels wrong...
Anyway, it works now and it's happily backing up data. With a little luck, the backup will be over in a week's time.

Cool, now I only need to fix my Replay TV with its broken hard drive and my older archos jukebox player so that I can ebay it. So much to do, so little time :)
I sometimes wonder how "normal" people manage :) (but seriously, it must suck to have to throw those things away, or pay god knows how much to get them fixed by someone else)
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