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2003/08/20 Day Hike of Big Basin Redwoods
π 2003-08-20 01:01 by Merlin in Hiking
My friend Bob offered to take me on a hike, which I hadn't really done before, so I accepted.
Bob took me to the Big Basin Redwoods, and from HQ, we did the Sunset loop to the 3 falls, and when we were heading back, I noticed a sign that said "Skyline to the Sea Trail, 6 miles".
I asked Bob if he were ok with walking to the Ocean, since we had done the loop somewhat quickly, and we proceeded. It was a nice walk with a nice target of getting to the Ocean.

On the way back, for some reason we got posessed with taking the McCrary Ridge Trail (not sure why anymore), and he 1700 foot elevation climb at the end of the day got Bob a bit tired. We were also running a bit low on sugar and water, so tby the time we made it to the top, the sun was about to set.
We got a few nice pictures of the sunset there, but that's obviously bad news since we were still a good hour away from HQ where the car was parked. Luckily, I was able to call the rangers on my cell phone out of one flaky bar, and they came to pick us up.
Yeah, it's a bit lame to finish the day like that, but we planned this a bit badly, and Bob ran low on sugar, so we had to alter our plans a bit. In the end, we still turned a 3-4H loop hike into a 9H and 21 mile hike.

You can look at the rest of the pictures of Big Basin Redwoods
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