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2019/10/30 Googleween 2019
π 2019-10-30 01:01 in Google, Halloween
Like recent years, Googleween now includes a full metal detector and prohibition of any costume items that look like weapons, including lightsabers and plastic swords. That's a bit over reacting in my opinion, but oh well. My costume of course thoroughly failed the metal detector, but looked at the guy with "what are we doing here, I work here", and he said "you probably don't have IEDs" and he let me in.

Once in, the decors and attactions were well done. They also did a reasonable job of handling the crowd loads so that you didn't have to stay in line for too long:


They had a haunted house which wasn't very big, but was well done and had good actors:

Then was time for the costume contest:

I didn't compete as my light outfit didn't look like much in the sun, so we went back to see the animations and games:

you could actually make wine
you could actually make wine

great costume
great costume

sun was finally setting, giving my outfit a better chance to shine :)
sun was finally setting, giving my outfit a better chance to shine :)

As I put this page together, I realized that Jennifer and I didn't get a good picture together with my outfit in the dark, small oversight which we will hopefully fix next time.

By 19:00, the event was over and we were nicely escorted off the premisses :)

See more images for Googleween 2019
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