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2020/08/25 Sunset Biking to Black Mountain During Great Redwood Fires on a Clear Day
π 2020-08-25 01:01 in Exercising
After the terrible amount of smoke we had 2 days prior, I went back in the evening when the wind had shifted and the smoke was going in other directions. What a difference. It went from a PM2.5 of over a 1000 (do not breathe) to just 10:

I had to hurry to get enough light before losing it
I had to hurry to get enough light before losing it

smoke was visible but on the east side of the bay
smoke was visible but on the east side of the bay

black mountain peak was clear
black mountain peak was clear

clear at the top
clear at the top

A few animals were out:

The ocean side of the view was nice too:

smoke means nice views
smoke means nice views

It was then time to bike back since I didn't have a bike light:

Soo much nicer than 2 days prior...

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