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2020/05/22 45 mile loop to Alviso, Don Edwards Wildlife Refuge, and Back via the Green Belt
π 2020-05-22 01:01 in Exercising
A mere 13 years ago, when we still lived in Sunnyvale, we did the shorter bike ride to Alviso. The ride was 24 miles then.
It was time to go back, but now that we live farther, and that I extended the loop, it was 45 miles this time (the whole loop was about 7H of clock time and 5h of actual biking time, or longest for us this far). (click on the garmin recording for more stats and a bigger map)

nice pink house on the way to Steven Creek Trail
nice pink house on the way to Steven Creek Trail

lovely tree
lovely tree

Norcal radar site
Norcal radar site

babies are grown up already
babies are grown up already

so proud
so proud

Eventually we got to Alviso, the land that time forgot:

prime real estate in a flood zone, awaits for you
prime real estate in a flood zone, awaits for you

interesting house
interesting house

it was a mixed neighborhood
it was a mixed neighborhood

From there, we got to the Alviso Don Edwards loop (we did the longer double loop):

for once, a train that almost looked fast
for once, a train that almost looked fast

salt from evaporation
salt from evaporation

After the long loop, it was time to bike all the way home (almost 2H), back around great america, 49ers stadium, and greenbelt back to Stevens Creek Trail:

This was our longest bike ride ever, it went well considering. Maybe 50 miles next time? :)

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