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2019/06/20 75th Anniversary Dinner with my Dad at Hélène Darroze in Paris
π 2019-06-20 01:01 in Dining, Ndining
This was our 4th time there. The first time was best as she was not too well known yet. That was mid 2000's. By the 2nd time, the prices had more or less doubled and by the 3rth time in 2014, her prices had stayed quite high, but the service had gone way down, to embarassing levels.

Thankfully for this 4th time, the service was back to where it should have been. The base menu price stayed in the expensive range, they finally stopped forcing you to buy pointless bottled water for prices higher than good wines by offering filtered water if you asked enough, but they sure upsold you a lot on drinks with no price at all. They didn't even publish the price of the wine pairing...

The nice surprise is that we got the chef's table by the kitchen and were greeted by Hélène who was working there that day, and took a few pictures with us).
The meal itself was great and my dad was very happy to get pictures with Hélène, so that worked out great as a 75th BD dinner.

they didn't have 1944, for my dad's birth year, but they had 1941
they didn't have 1944, for my dad's birth year, but they had 1941

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