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2023/08/31 BAAAHS Trance Night with Alvin Ko/Parzival, POS/Paavo, Dave Dresden, Afik Cohen/Aphexcx at Burning Man
π 2023-08-31 01:01 in Bm, Clubbing
One of the things I was looking for this year at Burning Man was a new Trance Night on BAAAHS art car, with special guests Dave Dresden and POS.

In Burning Man fashion, despite times and location to find the art car, the location address I had was wrong, so we didn't find it for a while but I eventually spotted it driving across the playa while Parzival was playing. Better than last year :)

you can't beat the view
you can't beat the view

After Alvin, POS took over and did a great 2H set, which I can't post, but I'm told it should end up on soundcloud eventually:

Dave Dresden came next, here is his set (check out the drone show visible starting at 1:02:00):

And Aphexcs closed the night, up to a massive wind storm just before sunrise that barely happened because of weather:

weather started to kick up wind
weather started to kick up wind

we stayed with Afik the whole night until the art car had to move
we stayed with Afik the whole night until the art car had to move

did I mention storm and wind? :)
did I mention storm and wind? :)

He's a different POV with short clips of the night (check out the wind storm starting at 05:30):

It was definitely a special night, even more special that it was the last night before the rain storms that ruined the next 2.5 days. Glad to have been there and thanks to all the DJs who played for us.

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