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2016/02/06 Melbourne Sealife
π 2016-02-06 01:01 in Aquariums, Ntrips, Trips
While we were in Melbourne, we took a day to see museums, and started with with Sealife Aquairum. It wasn't the best we've ever seen, but it was quite decent for 2.5h or so. Their collection of emperor and gentoo penguins was very good, and I also loved the leafy and weedy seadragons. The elephant fish was also the first I had seen, it's a weird little guy :)

Here are a few pictures:

very nice freshwater prawn
very nice freshwater prawn

leafy seadragon just awesome :)
leafy seadragon just awesome :)

the weedy seadragon are so pretty
the weedy seadragon are so pretty

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